Souper (im) possible a.k.a. Soup
2016 / Performance
Organized by Soyoung Hyun
Performed by Miku Sato and Emmanuel Rébus
Supported by La Générale
Collaboration with Grégory Ginot, Ibai Hernandorena, Marie Sommer, Monoperro Eres Tú
川の水でスープを作り、味わうプロジェクト。さまざまな文化圏にある家庭のスープ(日本人にとっての味噌汁のようなシンプルなスープ)を都市に流れる川の水を使って作り、飲む。振る舞う。(川の水であることを理由に飲む断ることは可) 数学者でアーティストのEmmanuel Ferrand氏とパリのセーヌ川の水を使ってゲリラ的にオープンキッチンを拵え実施。
Tasting River Water as Soups
In this project, soups are cooked with the river water in the city by some people who live near by the river. In the urban city, many kinds of people who have different background live together. They each cook familiar soups of their own cultures, like miso soup for Japanese people using river water. Then, the soups were shared with the people. They can reject to eat the soups, of course. In this project, the soups appear as identities of each culture. Through sitting around a table and sharing the soups made from dirty river water, the project proposes to share the cultures and the issues at the same time. And this project shows how difficult to share something in reality of diversity society. All rivers are connected to the ocean. We share the ocean with all creatures on earth. The human life, various cultures, histories and also battles began in waterside, and our ancestors lived in a simple way of life when people didn’t have any borders of countries. This project is practiced as a video work, workshop and guerrilla performance in the city. Soup was started in South Korea as a video work at Seoul in 2011. This open-source project has been practiced in Taiwan, Australia and Germany.