Yellow Town
2009 / project or outside installation (?)
Produced in Nakanojo Biennale
Collaborated with Seira Uchida
過疎化が進み地球に広がった群馬県吾妻郡中之条町出身の人々の視覚化を試みるプロジェクト。 まず、この町の住民に、「お持ちの黄色いモノを何でもいいので玄関やベランダなど外から見えるところにかかげてほしい」とお願してまわった。 そして、このプロジェクトのことを、この町を離れていった家族や友だちにも伝えてもらい、 各々が今いる場所で黄色いモノをかかげてもらう。 このプロジェクトで中之条ビエンナーレ開催の1ヶ月間、町の景色が黄色くなると同時に、 東京やニューヨークでも黄色いモノがかかげられた。 宇宙からみると、地球上に黄色が点在しているイメージ。 また、人々がかかげてくれた黄色いモノたちは工夫に富んでおり、新しい景色が広がった。
This project is visualizing a community of Nakanojo town. This town is depopulated. Young people move to big city like Tokyo to study, to work, to marry. We asked residents of the town to put or hang the something yellow where you can see from outside. And we asked them to tell this project to your neighbors, friends and family members who live apart. In order to get to know this project, I made web pages and flyers and pass it around from house to house in the neighborhood. For Nakanojo Biennale, the scenery in the town has been changed to yellow. At the same time, there were participants of this project also in Tokyo and N.Y. Seeing from the space, there are lots of yellow dots on the earth. And these yellow stuff were an ingenious idea and a new creative scenery. They enjoyed being yellow. This project is also a piece of my work, along with everyone from Nakanojo.